20 Questions is a great game to play when you have some time to kill. Check out this video and learn the basic rules of the game. 20 Questions is perfect whether you are in the car, a waiting room or anywhere else and feeling a bit bored.
You Will Need
• Two or more players
Step 1: Think of an object
Think of an object that can be classified as an animal, vegetable, or mineral. Tell the other players which category your mystery object fits into.
Step 2: Have one player ask a Yes or No question
Have one player ask a Yes or No question to try to learn more about the mystery object. Answer the question with a Yes or No.
Step 3: Have the players continue asking questions
Have the players take turns asking Yes or No questions up to a total of 20 Questions.
Encourage players to ask questions that build on answers already given. Follow "Is it bigger than a lunchbox?" with "Is it bigger than a horse?"
Step 4: Let the players guess the mystery object at any time
Let the players guess the object at any time by phrasing their guess as a question, such as "Is the mystery object a leather purse?" Count this as one of the 20 Questions.
Step 5: Have the players guess the mystery object
Have the players guess the mystery object after they have asked all of their 20 Questions. The winner is the one who correctly guesses the mystery object.
Increase the difficulty of the game by reducing the number of questions allowed each time you play.
Step 6: Let the winner choose the next mystery object
Let the winner choose the next mystery object. If no one guesses your object correctly, choose the next object yourself and keep stumping your friends with your picks.
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